May the Fourth Be With You!

Happy Star Wars Day! In honor of this event, we present a fun little article we ran across recently about the music of Star Wars. It’s made to help parents introduce their kids to some musical concepts, but more importantly it’s a curated set of thematic YouTube videos which the minions don’t have the patience to find themselves. See the Music Lesson on Star Wars.

To get in on the fun this weekend, Tabletop Adventures has our great sci-fi product Into the Future: Derelict Starships on sale at 20% off through Monday. Also our Destinations Bundle has all five Destinations products (with cantinas, spaceports and more) at a discount of 20%.

Better yet, if you already own any of the Destinations, the DriveThruRPG system will credit you for those purchases and you will get the Bundle at a reduced price! (Two of our Destinations are part of the Owen Stephens is RAD bundle, and we know many people have recently picked them up that way.)

In the meantime, the minions have put up our Star Wars Day decorations and are drinking our blue milk as we celebrate one of our favorite galaxies far, far away. May the Force be with you!

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