Happy GM’s Day!

GM’s Day is here, and Tabletop Adventures salutes all the people who run the games we all love to play. In fact, our company started because a couple of GMs said, “We have all this material we’ve developed for games over the years; we ought to be able to publish some of this and make some money.” (We’re slightly amused now by our former naiveté; of the many thousands of words we have published, only a few hundred of them were among those written before we started the company.)

We found ourselves making products we wished we had to use in our own games. Bits of the Boulevard was the solution to players who couldn’t just say, “We go to the blacksmith,” and carry on with the game. Instead, their characters wanted to know, “What do we see as we walk down the street?” Now, between Bits of the Boulevard and Shards of the City, we provide something like 275 interesting things to see or encounter in a fantasy city.

We say we provide “Help for the Harried Gamemaster,” because we know what it’s like to try to run a game (or two) and prepare in between work responsibilities, childcare, dealing with family issues, meal preparation, paying bills, running around town trying to take care of all the little things that take so much time, and so much more. (“Frankly, I’m swamped!”) We noticed, in our own games, that evocative description was one of the first things to go when time got tight and attention was pulled in too many directions. 

That’s why we’re pleased to provide so many different types of descriptions, to make life easier for other harried gamemasters. Thank you, GMs, for all you give to make our collective recreation a reality. We’re privileged to publish material that we hope fires your imagination and makes your games better. Happy GM’s Day!

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