Warlock’s Journal Contest #25: Unknown Underground

Warlock's Journal #29 cover 232x300What is the most interesting underground place one might find? Such a place can be as exotic as an ancient catacomb, or it can be as mundane as a city sewer, which is still basically unknown to most people. The place might be somewhere in the real world, or in a fantasy or futuristic setting. Authors wrote 25 possible locations, fans chose their favorite, and all are now available for use in your game.

The Warlock’s Journal is an interdimensional book that moves through the planes always seeking new information. It was gathering descriptions of hidden areas below the surface of the earth so the minions of Tabletop Adventures helped out by holding a contest for ideas. This free product contains the 25 creative entries submitted for the contest. Congratulations to Ben Moats, whose entry, “Uncle Morty’s Mole Racing and Underground Funland,” was voted most popular!

Pick up a copy of Unknown Underground today and add some dark underground places to your world. Download your free copy here: Warlock’s Journal Feb 2016-Final