Pictures, Pretty Pictures

All the experts say that one really needs to add fractal-box 300x300photos to blog posts to grab readers’ interest. Obviously, we’ll be adding our own artwork frequently, but one site we have found that has photos available to the public domain is Pixabay. Some artists have intriguing digital graphics available (such as the one to the right) as well as photographs.

We’ll be experimenting with appropriate sizes of images and hope you’ll be patient as we learn what works and what doesn’t.

Of course, great photographs can be inspiration for interesting descriptions or other facets of roleplaying games, and we plan to use them that way frequently. For instance, this image begs to be used in Against the Darkness or some other horror game.

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This appears to be a memorial if not actually a tombstone. Who or what does it commemorate? Why is it here in the brush by itself? From this angle the viewer can only imagine the statue’s expression, but the body language suggests grief. The statue also holds something in its right hand. This could be a commemorative wreath, but it might be something else. What if it is a thick rope, or a limp snake – what might that signify?

In Against the Darkness, this could have supernatural origin or significance. The statue could theoretically be a real person turned to stone. On the other hand, the memorial may acknowledge the sacrifice of a woman, a Justiciar of a previous generation, who gave her life to close a demonic portal on this spot. Perhaps the memorial even includes a relic inside its sturdy walls, to keep the evil door closed.

This photo could also be a hand-out in a game. It could be used near the beginning of a scenario to show characters the statue that used to stand here, before a highly localized earthquake shattered the statue and opened a crack in the ground that has stopped steaming but still smells of sulfur.

What other ideas come to mind from this photo?

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